7 Ocak 2009 Çarşamba

..KaRgO CoNcErT RoCkS!!..

Kargo was one of the most popular and successful rock bands in Turkey. They have a long history as a band and also have many unforgatten songs apart from permanant fans.. I say ‘was’ because they split up short time ago which is an unfortunate for all the fans of them..I want to talk about my own experiences about them. When I was in high school , I already knew their songs; I had their albums etc. In 2005 while I was studying lesson with my friend the great news came that Kargo was going to have a concert on June 9!! It was one of the greatest news came to me until that time and I began to listen their songs again and again to memorise and to be able to sing with ‘Koray Candemir’ at the same time :D

The concert day came and I met with my friends, we had diner and went to concert place. As we went earlier than most of the others, we took our place in first row and started to wait. While waiting minutes were so long to us; we were looking forward to seeing them on stage as soon as possible and finally the time came and the concert , one of the greatest minutes of my life began!!! As I had known most of their most famous songs, I was able to sing with Koray Candemir…

Here I want to confess that the main reason I love Kargı so much is, to tell the truth, Koray Candemir. Apart from being outstandingly handsome, he has great voice and many other great features like being a grad student of Yıldız Technical Univercity Industrial Engineering; knowing many languages etc..

The concert became my unforgettable day with my friends; when I came back to home it was so late and I was like drunken; drunken of music, drunken of great time and the great scene I saw…

As soon as I reached home, I wrote diary and sometimes I read it. Remember good old days….

…………………………..KaRgO RoCkS!!!!.............................

..My Beautiful Dog..

When I was 12 all of a sudden, while we were sitting at home with our guests, my daddy came home with a box in his hand..Inside the box there was a little Dalmatian dog. OMG!! We were all surprised except for mommy who was not that enthusiastic :D Daddy said that he was just 20-days-old and all of his 7 other brothers died, Baron was the only one who survived and my daddy bought it from an American living in Muğla.. He was so cute that we all loved him , I was like a mommy of him; it was me taking care of him, feeding him, buying dog food for him, playing with him, washing him..
But no matter how much we loved him, we had to give him to someone else who can take care of him better than we do because we had no enough time for him; mommy and daddy were out all the day, like me and my brother so there were no one to deal with him.
The goodbye time was so hard for both us and him; they said he cried till the morning, indeed like me..
Anyways, now I am happy that he leads a good life in Kocaeli with lots of people to take care of him..:)

6 Ocak 2009 Salı

..Lee Ryan..

Lee Ryan is a famous pop singer who was born in England, Chatnam in June 17, 1983 as the second child of his family. He had a difficul childhood period as he says because he has dyslexia from birth and it always made it hard for him get accustomed to new situations and have friends, lead a normal life like others. Moreover he claims that he his teachers were not helpful to him at all and he used to dislike school; seeing it as a waste of time. Apart from dyslexia, he was unbelievably hyperactive and because his parents split up when he was just 5 , her mom had to deal with him all the time. To take over his problems of speaking due to dyslexia, his mom sent sent him to drama school where he was successful than most of the others. But, as days passed; he came to realise that his real dream was to become a singer. A friend of him invited him to join them and finally for mates_ Simon, Anthony, Duncan, Lee came together and became ‘Blue!’ from then on…Their popularity, especially in the first years of their career as a group was beyond imagination.. They had many hit songs, many cover ones and they had many fans from all over the world; including me. Among group member there was a rivalry indeed; who is the most popular or handsome, Duncan or Lee??? There was even a voting in BBC; Lee won by far of course :D H e had many features apart from being outstandingly handsome with a babyface, his voice is great which can make one cry while listening. Also he composes the songs of Blue ; writes their lyrics and etc.. For example he is the composer and lyrics writer of my favourite Blue song ‘Breath Easy’ together with the director of its video clip.

Unfortunately somehow Blue split up, Lee had his own debut album called ‘Lee Ryan’; but they couldnt be successful .. All the Blue fans miss old days and they are all looking forward to see them together again…(at least I do..)

21 Aralık 2008 Pazar

When looking at the human history, we see that some communities recorded development in many fields more easily; to greater Metin Rengiextent; while some others couldnt take any step and became just an unimportant one for the present and future of the world. For my Metin Rengiopinion; the first step to be taken for accelerating the development of a nation is 'giving value to humans'!! Only when we value people, see them as individuals needing different things or having various features and interests can we contribute greatly to their personal development and so to the development of that nation. We can perseive a nation as a mechanism consisting of many parts ; individuals ! If the mechanism has problems in working, then it means that a part of it is inefficient in functioning properly. All the same, if a nation has some problems inside, then can be a sign to lack of necessities needed to be taken care; need to be met ; so that they can improve themselves in many ways, they can improve their abilities for the benefit of first themselves and then for their familias and their nationsç Individuals are so important ; they are the future ıf a nation, they are the reason why all the systems are made. If a nation can succeed in realising all these things; it becomes more developed in many fields than the ones with inefficient understanding of 'the value of humans and the need for good education!' Developed nations has power to make the way of the world, rule the whole world in many aspects from culture to politics; on the other hand; underdeveloped countries are exploited in many ways and have no right to decide over world issues; not even on their own issues...
To sum up; for development; education is a must!!! Individuals are the center of everything that is to be done and education must be valued more than anything !!

10 Aralık 2008 Çarşamba

..Sweet Home..

This is the first time I m writing such a thing since the time I started univercity. I always though that (still I do indeed) we are alive, we have lots of things to achieve and as we have chance and time we should concentrate on them. With these things in mind, I wasnt much concerned with my being away from my home very much. I made believe to myself that this was a normal period of life and I should learn how to do on my own, I should be able to make my dreams come true ; it would be nonsense to cry or be sad because of being away from home and everything was as I thought they would be; I had no difficulty in fitting into my new life, having new friends or etc. Even if I had some problems, I could endure and solve on my own.. But to tell the truth, as days passed, the feelings I restrainted started to gather and I felt great desire to go home back, I misses my life at home soo much and looked for the day to come back home to come as soon as possible!!
Now I m at home and I really enjoy and like while I m here..I love my family soo much and right now I dont want to go back to Metu :sL I m happy here :D But when I think about the days I studied for university and the challenging OSS and YDS times; I say to myself; ‘’No you should do what to do and enjoy your time at home; then you should go back to Metu. Yeah home sweet home; life is great here; but I love Metu so much too; no need to think over them again and again’
I dont know yet when I ll go home again ; all I know is that both Metu and my home are my ‘sweet homes’ and I should learn to have two homes a the same time..No matter what; life is bautiful and Thank God for all the things we have :)

..Be Open-Minded..

Somehow people have to learn how to live together and as the technologhy advances,the size of world in our minds gets smaller ; people can reach each other much faster, communication is much easier and relations between people no matter from which origin, race or religion etc. Becomes much more important. For me, different people, different cultures or different things make our world much more beautiful..Differences are must for variety and we can learn friendship with the help of it. Sometimes i imagine the world as a place where everyone is almost the same; speaking the same language, wearing same clothes, having the same aims and way of lives..The world would be like a big village.. Considerig them all, I believe that the diversities are so important in our lives and we shold learn how to respect and appreciate them. If we can not manage to do this, in this world it would be really challanging for us to maintain a high level of brothership with people, get along with them and adapt to different lives in different places. All I want to say is that only when we can be open-minded, can we contribute to the beauty of our world in modern and real meaning..

29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

..Unknown ways of Abraham Lincoln..

Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president of the USA and he became president at the age of 52 which can be thought to be rather late. He was one of the greatest leaders and the first republican leader of his country. The thing makes me interested in him is the claim that his anshestors are coming from Turkish orijin. According to this claim; he is a meluncan. Meluncans are people whose ancestors are thought to be Ottoman levents who became slavery during the wars Ottoman Army had with Portugals in 1500s and were taken to Amerika who now live in especially western part of the country.. Abraham Lincoln is said to be one of them and allegedly his name was told to him as 'Ibrahim' which is really close to 'Abraham' in pronunciation.

Abraham Lincoln is very special in many ways; he had h,s own style both in politic and daily life. Still there are many little stories about him as well as his words worth memorising..Here are some interesting points;

... He is the hero of the civil war which was aimed to be about economical problems but then turned into the war against slavery.

...He struggled for becoming president till 39 and always lost; but he never gave up and won so he is a man of passion.

...Because of an illness he has ; he is a little different n appearance. The angle of his knees are 130-140 and his arms together with his legs are so tall.

...He was really smart; we can see this in his conversations ; while he was having quarrels with his rival , the rival accused him of being hypocrate. Abraham's reply was quite effective. He said 'if i had two face(meaning hypocrate), do you think would i still be using this face ?? :D (he can also hame fun of his appearance)

...He was killed in April 14 in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth.

...His quotes;;

__If you want to analyse the character of a man; give him authority.

__you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

__Most of the people are happy to the extent they intend to be.

__if i had four hours to chop down a tree, i would spend three hours sharpening my axe.

__Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem. How far I shall succeed in gratifying this ambition, is yet to be developed

__Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other one thing.

__Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.

__Peace does not appear so distant as it did. I hope it will come soon, and come to stay; and so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time...