29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

..Unknown ways of Abraham Lincoln..

Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president of the USA and he became president at the age of 52 which can be thought to be rather late. He was one of the greatest leaders and the first republican leader of his country. The thing makes me interested in him is the claim that his anshestors are coming from Turkish orijin. According to this claim; he is a meluncan. Meluncans are people whose ancestors are thought to be Ottoman levents who became slavery during the wars Ottoman Army had with Portugals in 1500s and were taken to Amerika who now live in especially western part of the country.. Abraham Lincoln is said to be one of them and allegedly his name was told to him as 'Ibrahim' which is really close to 'Abraham' in pronunciation.

Abraham Lincoln is very special in many ways; he had h,s own style both in politic and daily life. Still there are many little stories about him as well as his words worth memorising..Here are some interesting points;

... He is the hero of the civil war which was aimed to be about economical problems but then turned into the war against slavery.

...He struggled for becoming president till 39 and always lost; but he never gave up and won so he is a man of passion.

...Because of an illness he has ; he is a little different n appearance. The angle of his knees are 130-140 and his arms together with his legs are so tall.

...He was really smart; we can see this in his conversations ; while he was having quarrels with his rival , the rival accused him of being hypocrate. Abraham's reply was quite effective. He said 'if i had two face(meaning hypocrate), do you think would i still be using this face ?? :D (he can also hame fun of his appearance)

...He was killed in April 14 in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth.

...His quotes;;

__If you want to analyse the character of a man; give him authority.

__you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

__Most of the people are happy to the extent they intend to be.

__if i had four hours to chop down a tree, i would spend three hours sharpening my axe.

__Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem. How far I shall succeed in gratifying this ambition, is yet to be developed

__Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed, is more important than any other one thing.

__Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.

__Peace does not appear so distant as it did. I hope it will come soon, and come to stay; and so come as to be worth the keeping in all future time...

Most of the peple want to visit new places, learn their cultures and I m definitely one of them^^ Most of the time I think that we are alive and we should make use of this; we should enjoy the life, seize the day, capture the moment__CARPE DIEM_!! This is my philosophy of life; as form my personality related to this; I am a curious, open-minded and outgoing person and these features help me be more concerned with and interested in the world around me! I want to learn, know, travel as much as I can! I want to go new places, learn about them, visit them, learn about the people living or having lived there, their culture, way of life and everything..I believe that differences among human beings and their culture and different beliefs, way of lives or everything make the world more beautiful …
Considering all these things, if i had chance to choose somewhere to visit ; i would say Barcelona.I find Spanish people so friendly like Turkish people and i have friends in Spain to whom i have promised to visit should i have chance to go there..So that s one of the cases.As for the others; I love Spanish language and during the summer i tried hard to learn it on my own and with the help of my Mexican, Spanish friends..So the first place to go is Spain for mee!!
As for the place to live in..I definetely say Canada!!! There are lots of reasons for that..To start with i can say that I love multinational countries and in Canada there are lots of people from all around the world and these migrants are especially high-educated ;).The legal language of Canada is French and because of multinational features there are many different spoken languages that s one of the main reasons i really love Canada..Second reason is that Canada has so many unutilised resources from mining to other natural beauty and it is called 'the world of the future''...One day if i were to choose a place to live; no doubt i d say Canada!! ..And here in the photo is Niagara Fall..Magnificantt...

…..travelling and knowing about different worlds broaden our minds….

23 Kasım 2008 Pazar

..Outcome of Industrial Revolution..

The nineteenth century experienced a sudden growth of cities, with populations rangign from 100.000 to 8 million. An important reason for this development lies with the Industrial Revolution and the Agriculture Revolution. Due to the introduction of stream power, the number of factories increased rapidly. Since the use stream power required large amounths of coal and iron, there was a great need for a labor force. Consequently, more and more workers came both to the factories and to the coal fields. Hence, towns and cities developed around the new industries. The introduction of complex machinery, improvements in plant and animal breeding, and the development of fertilizers resulted in higher productivity; fewer farmers could produce more food. More and more farmers left their farms for fear of not being able to make a living. They looked to the developing cities for a new start..And this resulted in both overpopulation, pollution, overuse of natural sorces, cultural problems and misuse of people incluidng children as labor force…

17 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

Fb RoCkS!!! :)

Here i m going to talk about one of the best days of my life...Fb-Gs matchhh:D:D:D As i m a fan of Fenerbahçe, i always dreamt of going to Kadıköy Şükrü Saraocolu Stadium and when it was clear that i was going to match, it was just unbelievable..! We set out with 30 people here, all are Odtüfeb members. It was 1.00 am when we set out from Sun Shine. The journey was so enjoying; we all sang songs, had great fun and little by little started to fall asleep. When we reached our destination, Kadıköy, it was 7.00 am and we all together walked to Moda for breakfast. We were singing songs whenever we went and everyone was looking at us, supporting us, even joining us. We spent hours wondering around, and finally the time to enter the stadium came. I became breathless and couldnt believe my eyess..it was greattt!!!! Until the start of the match, we all cheered and screamed crazilyy!! Then the game started, at the 2th mins gs recorded a goal but we didnt even worry because we were sure that our team would winn!!! And it happened in that way...Fenerbahçe recorded exathly 4 goals and the final whistle of the referee was the start of our endless joyy!!! It was a great experience for me and i believe that everyone supporting Fenerbahçe should really go to this stadium and feel the athosphere there.. When i came back i was full of joyy and i really want to go there again...

......................Being a FB fan is a priority;);)...........................

.......................Here is Kadıköyy No Way Outt!!!!!...................


Everyone faces some difficulties, challanges in her/his life..It is a part of life and it affects people in different ways and to different extent. One of the challanges coming to my mind i have had is exam times..especially LGS exam..Until the exam time, everything was almost perfect, i was told to be a brillant student:P and i had lots of expectations from my friends, teachers and form myself. But something happened during the exam.. I was schockeddd and couldnt do anything !!! Out of my mind.. I was at the brink of going crazy, losing my mind.At that time everything seemed nonsense and i couldnt make anything… The days after the exam was just like nightmare and i almost lost connection with the world around me; i was thinking that despite all the efforts i did nothing but rubbish and i disappointed everyone from my family to teachers etc. These feelings in mind, i began high school and this exam was the turning point of my life, after this i changed a lot and i shaped my life according to this.. My favourite subjects changed, for example i was good at maths, physics and etc and i used to hate english or other oral subjects but after that experience i began to seek for something new, something that doesnt reminds me of anything from past. As a result, changed my way and chosed language learning and i really enjoyed it while studying in high school.
Now when i look back into this experience, i think that it was completely childish and i could have been more mature and strong. But despite everything, i shaped my life on my own and i like what i m doing right now.. :):)

7 Kasım 2008 Cuma

..Problems of Agriculture..

People all over the world are concerned about the problem hunger.Many indivuduals are religious, naitonal and international organisaitons have worked to eliminate this terrible problem.However, their efforts have met with only limited success.In Asia and Africa for example, millions of people still, fight a constant battle against starvation.All of us agree that this crisis must be solved quickly and effectively.However, the causes and solutions of the hunger problem are varied and complicated.On the other hand, agriculture production has always depended on weather conditions.Even in today's modern world where great scientific advances are seen everywhere, humanity has not yet learned how to control or even influence the weather.The amouth of rain is one important factor that can cause agriculture to succeed or fail.Some countries have problems with floods , others suffer from the opposite condition: long periods of drought that leave land dry, hard and unproductive.On the other hand, to increase food production, technloghy is needed, and the high cost of this technologhy another problem of agriculture.A third factor that causes the world wide food crisis is the extremely rapid rate of population increase.World population continues to increase at a nearly 100 million people a year.As a result , it s impossible for the agricultural production to keep up with the population growth.It has been predicted that if the agricultural output is not greatly increased, and the birth rate is not dramatically decreased, the situation will be more disastrous in the near future.


A tattoo is a permanent mark on the skin made by piercing the skin with needles and introducing pigment. Tattooing is considered generally safe when doneby an experienced tattooist who sterilizes equipment and follows proper sanitary practices, and if appropriate care is taken during the healing process. However, getting a tattoo involves perforating the skin--one of the body's principal protections against disease. If not done safely, this can cause life-threatening infections. (HIV), hepatitis B virus, and other blood-borne infections may be transmitted if blood-contaminated instruments are not properlysterilized or disinfected.

They have been used for various aims thorough the history; although its purpose varies fromculture to culture. In ancient Egypt, a tattoo was considered a sign of nobility or fertility. Believed by many ancient peoples to provide magical protection against bad luck or disease, tattoos were used to identify rank, social position, or group membership in a variety of cultures including the Greeks, ancient Britons and Germans. In Roman times, tattoos were the mark of slaves and criminals, but the dawning of Christianity brought the practice into disreupte and tattooing was forbidden in Europe.

Tattoos are applied using a small device that works like a sewing machine. Aneedle bar containing anywhere from one to 14 needles is moved across the skin. The needles penetrate the skin, injecting colored ink. This can produce pain, and a small amount of bleeding. You can expect the site to crust and peelduring the first week.
The current popularity of tattooing and body piercing has also brought on an increase in potentially hazardous conditions. There are no state or federal regulations regarding tatooing, and neither the procedures nor the pigments used in the process are regulated.
Anyone considering a tattoo should visit a number of tattooists, observing the cleanliness of their establishments and asking about infection control. Look around you. The area must be well-lit. The spray bottle the artist uses onyour skin should be disinfectedbetween customers. Reputable studios take pride in their sterilization practices and equipment. They should be happy to answer your questions. If a tattooist refuses to discuss safety issues, go somewhere else.

3 Kasım 2008 Pazartesi

..Van Gogh_Starr..

Van Gogh's night sky is a field of roiling energy. Below the exploding stars, the village is a place of quiet order. Connecting earth and sky is the flamelike cypress, a tree traditionally associated with graveyards and mourning. But death was not ominous for van Gogh. "Looking at the stars always makes me dream," he said, "Why, I ask myself, shouldn't the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? Just as we take the train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to reach a star."

For the writer himself ;

The artist wrote of his experience to his brother Theo: "This morning I saw the country from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big." This morning star, or Venus, may be the large white star just left of center in The Starry Night.
Van Gogh painted furiously and The Starry Night vibrates with rockets of burning yellow while planets gyrate like cartwheels. The hills quake and heave, yet the cosmic gold fireworks that swirl against the blue sky are somehow restful.
.....This painting is probably the most popular of Vincent's works.....

..Goya_The Third Day Of May..

In The Third of May 1808, Francisco de Goya painted an event that took place on the second and third of May 1808, when the citizens of Madrid rose up against the French invaders and received on the following day a swift and barbarous retribution.On the left of the painting, a group of unarmed civilians kneeling in a mingled pool of blood and dead bodies, backed against a mound and facing a firing-squad; members of the firing squad, on the right, are ready and committed to carry out the executions; a group of spectators have gathered past the condemned and the executioners to witness the event. The dark sky in the background is sad and gloomy, and a palace looks lifeless and has lost all its grandeur. The only illumination in the painting comes from a lantern at the feet of the soldiers.

Initial observation arouses sympathy in our heart for the helpless men who are facing death, but careful analysis would help us understand that perhaps they do not deserve sympathy. Instead, these men are facing justice; the table of oppression has turned against them! A monk among the condemned civilians reminds us vividly of the Spanish Inquisition. Spain bathed in death and destruction, but the time has come for them to meet their fate. Goya did not show us the faces of the executioners—i.e., their identity-- because it is unimportant who is carrying out justice.

The civilians witnessing the execution appear to be neutral, participating in neither invasion nor in the uprising; thus, they are innocent. However, in realty, these men are treacherous individuals who benefited from being Spaniards but refused to help the motherland. Now come the cowards to witness the death of the Spanish heroes. The guilt in these weaklings is constant and as a result, they cannot make direct eye contact with the condemned men or the soldiers; one of them looks at the event through a hesitant side-glance while the others have covered their eyes with shame.

Finally, Goya, the great Spanish painter, focuses the lone lantern on the people who are dead or would be dead shortly. Therefore, it would be reasonable if we conclude the essence of this painting is death and the horror.

..This is a good way to understand the style of Spanish painter Goya and gives s many details about an historical event whose outcomes affected the lives of people in many aspects..

2 Kasım 2008 Pazar

..The Ongoing Economic Crisis...

As a 18 years old person living in Turkey, myself i really have an idea about what an economic crisis means and how it affects people s life in general...That what kind of a turmoil it leads, what kind of an affect it has upon people both socially and physicologicly...As for the economic crisis broke out in the USA recently, it is a little different than the one in 1999 because this time it s global and can chang the understanding and basis of the economy in the meaning we all have known to great extents.
Lets talk about the real reason for this turmoil in economy; basically the crisis started with the subprime mortgage crisis in the USA ; the crisis erupted because of shortcomings and flaws in the US mortgage system.Till now there has been lots of negative effects of it on many parts of the world and it has spread to the east Europe causing turmoil in the structure. As well as the negative outcomings of this crisis in general currencies of the countries, it has also led to lots of conroversies arying from the claim that this crisis may become an intentional action of the USA for fighting with Russia in the field of nomination the world to the belief that it may be the end of capitalism. These days in the USA people are concerned with voting for the next president of their country and they ll also make it clear if this crisis can be solved and if it is the death of capitalism because the two nominatees have different point of view on this topic; McCain believs that this crisis can be solved by protecting the big componies and subsiding them althought Obama believes in the importance of the high welfare of the people in general ; not just the big companies he considers the middle class as the solution. We can be able to guess what kind of a solution ll be put into practice only when the president of the USA is clear. This election is importand not only for the future of Usa itself; it is going to shape the course of events along the side of Turkey. Till now there has been incredible rise in the value of US dolar in Turkey and the stock keeps going down..If this problem is not solved properly on a large scale and in an effective way; It is certain that the ongoing global economic crisis will increase Turkey's borrowing costs and that the increased amount of international liquidity will have impacts on inflation. Individual and commercial loan interest rates will go up in domestic markets. Unless proper assurances are given to the markets, it looks the crisis will remain center stage.

...Human Rights...

Human rights havea long historical heritage.The principal philosophical foundation of human rights is a belief in the existance of a form of justice valid for all peoples, everywhere. In this form the, the contemporary doctrine of human rights has come to occupy centre stage in geo-political affairs.The language of human rights is understood and utilised by many people in very diverse circumstances.Human rights have become indispensable to the contemporary understanding of how human beings should be treated , by one another and by national and international political bodies.Human rights are best thought of as potential moral guaratees for each human being to lead a minimally good life.The extent to which this aspiration has not been realised represents a gross failure by the contemporary world to institute a morally compelling order based upon human rights.The philosophical basis of human rights has been subjected to consistent criticism.While some aspects of the ensuing debate between philosophical supporters and opponents of human rights remain unresolved and , perhaps, irresolvable, the general case for human rights remains a morally powerful one.Arguably, the most compelling motivation for the existance of human may rest upon the exercise of imagination .Try imagining a world without human rightss!!!!