29 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

Most of the peple want to visit new places, learn their cultures and I m definitely one of them^^ Most of the time I think that we are alive and we should make use of this; we should enjoy the life, seize the day, capture the moment__CARPE DIEM_!! This is my philosophy of life; as form my personality related to this; I am a curious, open-minded and outgoing person and these features help me be more concerned with and interested in the world around me! I want to learn, know, travel as much as I can! I want to go new places, learn about them, visit them, learn about the people living or having lived there, their culture, way of life and everything..I believe that differences among human beings and their culture and different beliefs, way of lives or everything make the world more beautiful …
Considering all these things, if i had chance to choose somewhere to visit ; i would say Barcelona.I find Spanish people so friendly like Turkish people and i have friends in Spain to whom i have promised to visit should i have chance to go there..So that s one of the cases.As for the others; I love Spanish language and during the summer i tried hard to learn it on my own and with the help of my Mexican, Spanish friends..So the first place to go is Spain for mee!!
As for the place to live in..I definetely say Canada!!! There are lots of reasons for that..To start with i can say that I love multinational countries and in Canada there are lots of people from all around the world and these migrants are especially high-educated ;).The legal language of Canada is French and because of multinational features there are many different spoken languages that s one of the main reasons i really love Canada..Second reason is that Canada has so many unutilised resources from mining to other natural beauty and it is called 'the world of the future''...One day if i were to choose a place to live; no doubt i d say Canada!! ..And here in the photo is Niagara Fall..Magnificantt...

…..travelling and knowing about different worlds broaden our minds….

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